We have received multitudes of testimonies from people that have repented
and have asked Jesus Christ to be their Lord and
Savior as a result of this site. These have surely been a blessing to us. We
give God the glory. Here are some of them.
returned from work after a bad day, being disillusioned with God and my life
in general. I turned on my computer and typed in a URL
Your site came up.
It was as if Jesus wanted me to see it. I read through the first page and at
once knew what I had to do. I got down on my knees, repented (of) my sins and
asked Jesus into my life. I know this is the start of a difficult path with
many temptations ahead but with Jesus at my side I am determined to succeed.
Thank you for putting together this site. UK
walked with the Lord in a way that I knew was not pleasing to Him, and still
went on doing it. I stumbled on this website while looking for something else.
I am so grateful.
I feel something in my heart that I never really felt
before. I prayed the prayer in our toilet here at work and believe Jesus has
forgiven me of my sins.
Thank you for this site and I know I will be visiting
it often. God bless. South Africa
want) to express my profound gratitude to God and to you for putting up this
brilliant and inspiring site. The site has changed my life of recent when I
started going through the Bible studies section and listening to the audio reading
of the Bible. I am now saved by God's grace. Nigeria
wanted to tell you that thanks to this site my eyes were opened. As a matter
of fact I hold Bibledesk responsible for having showed me the truth. I have
accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Miami, FL, USA
just prayed your prayer on the website. I have prayed this prayer
Minnesota, USA
you for building such a wonderful site. I ask God to forgive me of all my sins
and I want to be ready when Jesus comes. Columbia, SC, USA
did repent and kneeled and said the prayer and believed with all my heart. Truthfully,
this is the first time I have kneeled and said a prayer. Texas, USA
have just re-dedicated my life over 2 God. I would really like to become a better
Christian. Ireland
recognize that I must have a continued relationship with God
I said the
prayer that was asked of me. Thank you for your website. USA
have become lukewarm in my beliefs. I prayed and repented. Arizona, USA
found your site by just typing (it) in.
I have accepted Jesus Christ as
my Savior.
I want to thank you and say God bless you and your website.
You have opened my eyes. Georgia, USA
have taken the decision to follow Jesus. I write to give you my postal address
for the free Christian literature you promised giving. Nigeria
website, it appeared out of nowhere. I
read the prayer and received Jesus.
Thank you for sharing your Bible knowledge with others. Washington, USA
was saved (mainly) by this site! Yes, it's true! All grace
to God! I was just an ordinary 19-year old Swedish guy. Yes,
I believed in God, but I knew nothing or little about the Bible, even Jesus
Christ Himself. I was following my own life and interests. I
had no wish of becoming a Christian, and I didn't believe why I should. I
had a life-goal, which I was about to fulfill. I did not need Christ,
I thought. Then I found this site. For years, God (the Father)
had prepared me for this occasion.... I was astonished by the sites claim
that the prophecies proved the Bible was true....So I believed. The
Bible is beyond any doubt the proven Word of God. Actually, I was
shocked. I began to tremble, because I understood I was a sinner,
and if I died tomorrow, I would surely end up in hell in burning fire. The
Holy Spirit convicted my heart that I was a sinner, and I fell down to the floor
asking God, "Have mercy on me a sinner." I did not simply
believe, but I knew! There was indeed a heaven and a hell, and I
had to make a choice. I chose life over death that night. I
made the wise decision. THEN I WAS BORN-AGAIN! SAVED! HALLELUJAH!! This
site DOES work because, God Himself has given His approval by using it to save
me! God used THIS site out of all other sites on the Internet! Can
you believe that?
(Many hundreds of people have linked to this site, for which we are extremely
and thank God. We have included parts of a few of the link letters we have received.)
just wanted to say that your site has the most information I have ever seen.
I also added your link to our website.
have added your site (AmazingBible.org) to my Christian resource page.
viewing a cross section of this site, I feel very comfortable (linking) this
site. I have looked at the salvation areas, prophecy areas, views on the relevance
of Israel, cults, as well as several other topics. I have found your site to
be Biblically based and presented well.
wife and I have viewed your website and we were thoroughly impressed! It was
completely lacking in any kind of sales pitch and was overflowing with some
of the purest, sound, Bible doctrine we have come across. We will be glad to
include a link to your website
God bless you in this work
May He
grant you many souls to come to know the truth of the Scriptures through this
incredible site. Florida
went through your site (kind of fast) and loved it and everything I read sounded
anointed by the Holy Spirit. Therefore was led to go ahead and add it to my
site will be a tremendous blessing to our viewers. Thank you.
am a pastor of a small church in North Carolina. Thanks for all your efforts
to provide such an informative and Word-oriented site. We would be honored if
you would add a link to our site from yours. Of course, we would be glad to
visited (your site) and found that it would be a perfect link for my site. There
were so many helpful resources and growth materials centered on God's Word which
is precisely the types of links I was looking for. Thank you and God bless.
will be a pleasure to add your link to our site.
I am always looking for
good resources to put on our website that encourage growth
our church.
have been linked to our website. I have been a fan of your site for quite awhile.
(Gospel radio)
(By God's mercy, we receive many encouraging each day, including some that
are not so nice. Here are parts of some we have chosen to list here.)
am amazed at this site the information it has about "My Saviour, Lord Jesus".
I thank you from deep down from my heart. India
is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I have learned more
from these sites than you can imagine. North Carolina, USA
I've been blessed so much with the kind of information I've read at your site.
May the good Lord continue to give you all great insight, knowledge, wisdom
and boldness in the duties He's assigned to you. UK
just wanted to let you know I am a minister and think you have one of the most
impressive Christian sites I have ever had the pleasure to view. Mississippi,
thought I had a big site
but you've got me beat by a bunch. I'm learning
lots of things at your site. Mexico
found this site to be very informational and biblically accurate. God bless
you all, and keep up the good work. Oregon, USA
you very much for the greatest site I have ever seen. El Salvador
Your site magnifies the Lord and His Truth is shared. Thank you and God bless
you. Florida, USA
you by mistake, but are so thankful. What a great web site, more biblical information
than I have ever seen in one place. God bless. California
want to say, I was saved 2 weeks ago and your site has really helped me. Thank
you thank you. Unk
have known Jesus for 2 years now. I have gained more knowledge and understanding
of Scripture with this site than any other
I guess people do not want to
know the truth because I tell them about this site all the time and they never
go on it. I am just glad the Lord Jesus allowed me to find the site to better
my understanding. GA, USA
site of representing God's Word & helping new believers make more sense
of these 'last days'-thank you. Lebanon
accessed your site
and was so impressed, actually more than that. I read
the piece on "The Biggest Skeptic in the World" and was so encouraged.
This information (on today's church) is so true. South Africa
must say, I believe that if I should live 100 years, I could never read all
the information that you provide on your site. Your site is
one of the
best I have run across concerning sound, Biblical doctrine. Every article is
right on the money with the Scriptures and that is hard to find nowadays. Missouri,
so much for continuing to preach the true Gospel! Its all about the cross as
you know. Oklahoma, USA
have a wonderful, inspiring, encouraging, enlightening, wisdom-filled site.
I love it! Georgia, USA
the seemingly unlimited supply of information on your site. You have obviously
done your homework. Montana, USA
read your testimony and thought it was great. I've never seen anything like
your website. It is absolutely wonderful. Kentucky, USA
found (your site) to be a spiritual gold mine. The way the site has been prepared
proves that it's the Lord's doing and it's marvellous. India
is the best web sight which I've ever seen. Nepal
am so amazed that I even found your site. It is awesome. So full of information.
All I can say is WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL. Connecticut, USA
web site with plenty of insight information on what's to come. Washington, USA
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this site. It has been of
great assistance to me especially spiritually. Kenya
words are a blessing to my family. Jacksonville, FL, USA
am thrilled and very, very excited. This site is awesome. I would also like
the book that you give to new believers. My address is
.Texas, USA
site thanks a whole bunch and GOD bless you. Houston, Texas, USA
Tony and I got to tell you this site is great. I'm telling all my brothers and
sisters about it. Thank you for the great work you have done. God bless you
and family. Peace be with you. Location unk
you for such a wonderful site telling of the love of Jesus our Savior. May God
bless you. Ohio, USA
looked through the "looked saved, but unsaved" piece & it made
me think. England
read through your home page and testimony. It is really inspiring and true.
friend, I congratulate you on your marvellous discoveries about the accuracy
of the Bible. Teen, USA
a wonderful site to get peace by. Hyderabad, India
find your site very straight forward and true to fact. Oregon, USA
love your site. It has answered so many questions I had. The home page telling
about the end times is the most detailed I have ever read. I never did quite
understand till I read your page. Argentina
so awesome, a truly amazing website. Tanzania
think this is wonderful. You could not have put anything better on here. Location
want to say thank you for your incredible site. I've never seen anything quite
like it. Florida, USA
something that I have never understood, even though I have been a Christian
for a long time. It is so easy to understand the way it's set up. Calif., USA
is a fascinating site, which I am very glad that I visited. It is so good, it's
almost unbelievable. I love you all, and Jesus. UK
am so glad a friend guided me to your wonderful, inspiring site. Mexico
of the most interesting sites I have found on the Internet. South Africa
just want to say "Thanks" for this website. This website has almost
every question you need answered. Texas, USA
This kind of website is what the people in the whole world needs. God bless
you all. Philippines
enjoyed reading the message. I'm going to spread the web address. Massachusetts,
friend told me about the site. I want to know more about Jesus, and I want to
change my life. Panama Central America
am a Roman Catholic. Truly your teachings have fascinated me. May God bless
you. Tanzania
Catholic Church (I) thank God for pulling me out of such pagan traditions. Unk
name is
I am Muslim and just want to know about Christians. Please
provide me with some material then I will be thankful to u. Pakistan
am a Muslim who lives in Kenya very dedicated but really want to find out the
differences between Islam and Christian. My postal address: Kenya